  • TLC Physician's Magnesium Cream

TLC Physician's Magnesium Cream

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Studies indicate that the percentage of the population low in Magnesium could be as high as 90 percent.  This lack of magnesium is attributed to the development of several medical conditions. Some of these conditions include heart disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatigue. Magnesium is crucial for sleep.  There are many reasons for low magnesium levels, some of which include the consumption of caffeine, alcohol, sugar and some antibiotics and diuretics.The best way to raise your magnesium is to eat a diet of magnesium rich foods such as spinach, kale and almonds.  However it can be argued that since magnesium is very depleted in much of our soil and our water - you could still be low in magnesium even if you ingest magnesium rich foods.  I suggest to my patients that they have their blood levels tested before supplementation.  The best way to augment your magnesium levels is through Magnesium Chelate and Magnesium Cream.  The magnesium cream bypasses the gut therefore using the cream does not cause loose stools.


Anxiety, muscle cramps, insomnia, diabetes support, supporting heart health, constipation.


 Apply 4 to 8 pumps to skin every 4 to 6 hours. 

250 mg per cc or 4 pumps


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
