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In  a recent study  researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine gathered data form 107 countries and found that those with the least amount of sunlight also had the highest rates of pancreatic cancer. 

Cedric F. Garland, adjunct professor in the department of family medicine and pulic health and member of USCD Moos Cancer Center said " If you'r living at a high latitude or in a place with a lot of heavy could cover, you can't make vitamin D most of the year, which results in a high-than normal risk of getting pancreatic cancer".

This study also took into consideration other factors that may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer such as alcohol consumption, obesity and smoking.  Garland said that while the factors contributed to the risk, the strong correlation between cloud-cover and sunlight persisted even after they were considered.

In my practice, I test the Vitamin D levels of my patients.  I find landscapers with low vitamin D.  If  they do not have vitamin D levels in the upper third of normal, I have them supplement, and then re test until the are in the upper third that I believe gives them the greatest protection.

William M Lee, MD