The following is a letter from one of Dr. Lee's patients.

After over 10 years of suffering from anxiety and depression, and over a year of experiencing severe PMS, I was desperate to find someone who could help me. I had been to countless psychiatrists and counselors, none of whom could help me. I was literally feeling suicidal.

I found out about Dr. Lee through the kindness of a stranger in a store, and I can say that Dr. Lee has changed my life. Unlike the psychiatrists, Dr. Lee to an active roll in helping me figure out the roots of my problems instead of trying to mask the problems with antidepressants.

It took about one year, but I can say that nearly all my symptoms are gone. Through a combination of supplements and bio-identical hormones, I am a new person. I am happy, energetic, and no longer suffer from PMS.

L. H.