
  • Body Composition Changes after VLC Ketogenic Diets

      In a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology (which included twenty patients with a BMI of greater than 30) and lasted over four months, it was determined that the majority of the weight loss that occurred  while following this very low calorie ketogenic diet (VLCD )was... View Post
  • 4 Questions About Sleep Deprivation and Weight Gain

    “What’s this I hear about linking sleep deprivation to obesity?” I thought you’d never ask! It’s a well-known fact that you’re not you when you’re tired. Being drowsy throughout the day can lead to a lack of focus, an irrational temperament, and zombie-like shuffling. The issue isn’t getting up o... View Post
  • The Benefits of Broccoli: Lowering Cancer Risks

    We’ve all been told to eat our vegetables at one point in our life. Why? “Because they’re good for you.” Well, why are they good for you? A lot of reasons actually, and they’re pretty neat! For example, carrots are rich in Vitamin A, and can help prevent leading causes of blindness. Placing a sli... View Post